PiggNation VideoPodCast Blog

What we do here is cover the political flavor news stories on www.digg.com. Why you ask? Common good of man and the interweb... well mostly to attract more non-tech users to DIGG... and 'cause there are no laws against drinking and interwebing... DANCE ROBOT DANCE!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hahahahaha! here are some awesome comments from my sister about the show.

as I'm watching episode 8 of piggnation, here's what's on my mind...

1. no one actually thought that Dan was a ghost
2. you freak..no one drinks a pint of pastis
3. do you know how to pronounce the word "Iran"? bc you said "I run" not "Iran"
4. you need a more interesting background, some sort of skyline or a poster of a skyline
5. when you talk about sports (football), it's clear that you've never played any in your life
6. is Dan drunk? is that why he can't pronouce words?
7. I'm not sure that "ran upon" or even "read upon" is a real saying
8. I like that you refer to Saddam Hussein by first name only


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